LTU Professional Development Series for Entrepreneurs: Accelerating Talent Development for Early-Stage Companies
- February 4, 2017
According to a recent independent Market Study conducted on behalf of the LTU Collaboratory, TALENT is a major issue for early-stage companies. But who wants to work for a small entrepreneurial company?
Your current employees do for sure!
CFO asks Founder: “What happens if we invest in developing our people and then they leave us?
Founder: “What happens if we don’t, and they stay?”
The same study also found out that businesses are unsure about how to Access Training Resources.
Now, there’s a solution. You can retain your current employees and attract new talent through the LTU Professional Development Series for Entrepreneurs.
Here’s what we cover:
“If you don’t know where you’re going, how will you know when you get there?” This phrase may be old, but it’s true! Whether you’re the CEO of a global corporation, the manager of a 10-person department, or starting your own business, you need strategic planning skills. They’re a big asset in your personal life, too. Come to this one-day workshop to gain them!
Do you have the skills to make a project run smoothly? Can you bring a project in on time and within budget? If you can’t answer “yes” to these questions, sign up for Basic Project Management. In two days, you’ll learn how to plan, organize, direct and monitor the resources required to achieve a project goal. Participants must attend both days.
Today’s work environment requires professionals who can think and work “lean.” If you don’t know what that means, come to this interactive one-day workshop. You’ll be able to impress others with your understanding of how lean principles can apply to any work environment.
Do you sometimes have trouble getting along with co-workers or your team members? Interpersonal communication skills are a requirement for success. This interesting and interactive two-day workshop will increase your communication skills – listening, speaking and non-verbal messages. It also includes techniques for resolving conflicts effectively. Join us and be prepared to participate! Participants must attend both days.
When leaders of companies are asked what makes their organization successful, one of their top responses is always “problem-solving skills.” Successful companies need people who can identify and solve problems that occur on the job – people who can generate effective solutions. Attend this one-day workshop to sharpen your problem-solving skills and practice techniques you can use at each step of the problem-solving process.
Need to brush up on some of your writing skills? Have you forgotten some of those grammatical rules you learned in school? Join us for this workshop and learn how to plan, write and edit work documents. Good business writing skills will make you an asset to ANY organization!
In today’s work environment, it is essential to fully understand the economics of a business decision. The only way this is possible is by possessing a working knowledge of finance! This one-day workshop provides you with practical information that will help you make smart business decisions.
What are you more likely to do in a conflicting situation – start yelling or walk away and ignore it? This workshop will teach you about different conflict styles and when the use of each style is appropriate. You also will learn one-on-one communication techniques for resolving conflicts with co-workers or your team members.
Would you rather have a root canal than making a group presentation? If so, you’re not alone. Most people fear public speaking more than they fear death. Let us help you conquer your fears in this interactive two-day workshop. You’ll learn to deliver your message clearly, develop effective visual aids and answer questions from the audience with ease.
The world of grants is a multibillion-dollar annual business. Each year, some part of that money goes unclaimed. Some organizations don’t know how to look for funding, some don’t look in the right places and others believe that grant money is “drying up.” The data indicates otherwise! This one-day workshop will increase your knowledge of the grant-writing process and the potential resources available for funding your organization.
Please contact: C2C@LTU.EDU
Lawrence Technological University
21000 West Ten Mile Road
Southfield, MI 48075-1058